Flu and COVID-19
As the global effect of Coronavirus continues to evolve, Legacy Medical Care is working to ensure the safety of our patients and staff by complying with public health guidance.
Legacy Medical Care has taken several measures to ensure our medical providers and staff are prepared to care for patients with COVID-19. We are fortunate to have a highly skilled team who continues to review updates and the latest information available to us daily in order to keep us well-prepared and informed to treat patients as they come through our doors.
What precautions should I take?
It is always important that you take the proper precautions to avoid the spread of COVID-19 virus:
Always wear your mask when you are out in public
Keep at least 6 feet away from others
Constantly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Stay home if you are feeling sick
Avoid crowds with more than 8 people
What are the main symptoms for COVID-19 virus?
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

What do I do if I am feeing sick?
If you are feeling sick or feel like you might have contracted the virus it is important that you stay home. Contact your provider for a brief screening over the phone before you come into any office. The provider will instruct you on what steps you should take next.
Does Legacy Medical Care provide the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Legacy Medical Care is now offering the Updated (2023-2024 Formula) Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for ages 6 months and older. If you are interested or know of anyone interested in receiving the vaccine please give us a call at (847) 259-8379 to schedule an appointment.
Consent Form
If you have an appointment scheduled for your COVID-19 vaccine at Legacy Medical Care we ask that you complete the consent form within 48 hours of your appointment. The consent form may be printed or completed online as shown below:
Printable Consent Form:
COVID-19 Resources:
COVID-19 Manufacture Fact Sheets
COVID-19 FDA Vaccine Information Statements 12yrs+